First try to publish a picture using BloggerBot &
Waterloo's NEWEST Free outdoor festival.
The summer started in KW area with cold days :( That could be the reason why the last week's Waterloo festival didn't have too much audience. Only some country music fans and shoppers were brave enough to face the unusual cold weather. Nothing should surprise us though when we are dealing with the capricious Canadian weather :)
All of the above is the caption I wanted for my picture. As you can see the only image posted by BloggerBot is the placeholder. I'm missing something... I've extended the picture's caption with these explanations.
The summer started in KW area with cold days :( That could be the reason why the last week's Waterloo festival didn't have too much audience. Only some country music fans and shoppers were brave enough to face the unusual cold weather. Nothing should surprise us though when we are dealing with the capricious Canadian weather :)
All of the above is the caption I wanted for my picture. As you can see the only image posted by BloggerBot is the

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