Fall...the queen season of colors.
What is it about this season that gives it something magic? Maybe it goes back in time with the feeling of fulfillment inspired by the reward that nature gave people after a year of hard land work. And the fall colors accentuate this feeling, with joy.
I don't know if there is another country that reveals better the fascination and beauty of fall colors, than Canada. That's why, maybe, the Canadian flag has on it the red maple tree leaf. This is the best time when you can enjoy the beauty of the maple tree and the entire fall foliage.
Taking advantage of the last weekend's wonderful weather we headed on a beautiful trail that is at the edge of Waterloo city. If you are living in Kitchener-Waterloo (KW) area I leave it to you to discover this nature heaven...the fall foliage just started :) These leaves belong to the below mapple tree.
Toamna... anotimpul regina al culorilor. [in Romanian]
Ce-i cu acest anotimp care-i da ceva magic? Poate ca-i sentimentul de implinire al vremurilor de inceput inspirat de recompensa pe care natura a dat-o oamenilor dupa un an de munca grea a pamintului. Iar culorile toamnei accentueaza aceasta traire, cu bucurie.
Nu stiu daca exista o alta tara care dezvaluie mai bine fascinatia si frumusetea culorilor de toamna, decit Canada. De aceea, poate, steagul Canadian are pe el frunza rosie de artar. Acesta este cel mai bun timp cind poti sa te bucuri de frumusetea artarului si a intregului frunzis al toamnei.
Profitind de vremea frumoasa ne-am indreptat la sfirsitul trecutei saptamini spre o poteca frumoasa care este la marginea orasului Waterloo. Daca locuiti in Kitchener-Waterloo (KW), va las dvs. sa descoperiti acest paradis al naturii...frunzisul toamnei de-abia a inceput ;) Aceste frunze sint ale artarului de mai jos.
I don't know if there is another country that reveals better the fascination and beauty of fall colors, than Canada. That's why, maybe, the Canadian flag has on it the red maple tree leaf. This is the best time when you can enjoy the beauty of the maple tree and the entire fall foliage.
Taking advantage of the last weekend's wonderful weather we headed on a beautiful trail that is at the edge of Waterloo city. If you are living in Kitchener-Waterloo (KW) area I leave it to you to discover this nature heaven...the fall foliage just started :) These leaves belong to the below mapple tree.

Toamna... anotimpul regina al culorilor. [in Romanian]
Ce-i cu acest anotimp care-i da ceva magic? Poate ca-i sentimentul de implinire al vremurilor de inceput inspirat de recompensa pe care natura a dat-o oamenilor dupa un an de munca grea a pamintului. Iar culorile toamnei accentueaza aceasta traire, cu bucurie.
Nu stiu daca exista o alta tara care dezvaluie mai bine fascinatia si frumusetea culorilor de toamna, decit Canada. De aceea, poate, steagul Canadian are pe el frunza rosie de artar. Acesta este cel mai bun timp cind poti sa te bucuri de frumusetea artarului si a intregului frunzis al toamnei.
Profitind de vremea frumoasa ne-am indreptat la sfirsitul trecutei saptamini spre o poteca frumoasa care este la marginea orasului Waterloo. Daca locuiti in Kitchener-Waterloo (KW), va las dvs. sa descoperiti acest paradis al naturii...frunzisul toamnei de-abia a inceput ;) Aceste frunze sint ale artarului de mai jos.

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