Gheorghe Curelet-Balan Blog

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Long range Walkie-Talkie communication with the new BlackBerry 7520.

Do you want to talk on a mobile phone almost for free? Tired of dialing telephone numbers? Want to call and talk with a group of people? Walkie-Talkie is the answer. You just press a button and talk. It is the same principle that any dispatch radio system is using. You can talk to a party or a group depending how the telephone is configured.

The problem with the classical walkie talkie systems used by police or taxi services is that they work only for short distances (2 to 3 miles). Nextel (a successful US company) owns a digital wireless network and Direct Connect technology that allows long range walkie-talkie wireless conversations across United States (see July 2003 news on this page). The fun thing is that the conversations are with no extra charge or free if they are in the local coverage area with special rate plans.

Long range walkie-talkie communication is one of the main feature of the new BlackBerry 7520 recently announced by Nextel and RIM. If you combine the walkie-talkie feature with the Bluetooth connectivity, speakerphone and add on top the clasic features of any BlackBerry device (keyboard, phone, organizer, push based email and browser, etc.) you get the unique device that is BlackBerry 7520.

Nextel's technology is so amazing that it allowed the company to almost double its market from 8 million in September 2001 to around 15 million now. Any owner of a Direct Connect enabled BlackBerry can pottentially walkie-talk in less than a second with any of the current 15 million Nextel customers. To learn more about Nextel's walkie-talkie feature click this link or run this online demo.

To learn more about the BlackBerry 7520 run the demo on this page.


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