Gheorghe Curelet-Balan Blog

Thursday, September 09, 2004

RIM did it again!

Research In Motion (RIM) the biggest public traded company in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, has just announced the new revolutionary product, Blackberry 7100t. My feeling is that with this new device, RIM went the extra mile to reach an entire new market. From a leadership position in the enterprise wireless market RIM is reaching the mass consumer market for the first time with a phone form factor of its Blackberry platform. It's not a phone and it's not a PDA. So, what is it? Well it's a BLACKBERRY! RIM's SureType technology (that creatively combines the phone keypad with the PC's QWERTY keyboard) makes the new Blackberry, unique. I feel that Blackberry 7100t will be consumed like the fresh baked bread; it will not have time to cool down and people will cry to get one. RIM has foreseen that, I guess; that's why probably the new Blackberry 7100t is available for now only in US :)

Research In Motion (RIM) cea mai mare companie publica in regiunea Kitchener-Waterloo tocmai a anuntat noul produs revolutionar, Blackberry 7100t. Parerea mea este ca cu acest now produs, RIM a facut efortul extraordinar sa vizeze o intreaga noua piata. Dintr-o pozitie de frunte in piata "enterprise wireless" RIM vizeaza pentru prima data piata consumatorului de masa cu o forma celular a platformei Blackberry. Nu e celular si nu e PDA. Atunci, ce e? Ei, este un BLACKBERRY! Technologia SureType (care combina creativ tastele celularului cu tastatura QWERTY a PC-ului) face noul Blackberry, unic. Eu cred ca Blackberry 7100t va fi consumat ca piinea calda; nu va avea timp sa se raceasca iar oamenii vor plinge sa obtina unul. RIM a prevazut asta, banuiesc; de aceea probabil noul Blackberry 7100t este disponibil deocamdata doar in Statele Unite :)


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