Gheorghe Curelet-Balan Blog

Monday, October 04, 2004

Perimeter Institute's Grand Opening.

The Grand Opening Open House of the Perimeter Institute's - about which I talked here - was a huge success. All day long people were waiting in line to get the opportunity to tour the building or to get a ticket for the organized talks. Here it is my story in pictures.

Since all the parking of Perimeter Institute was full of tents we parked in the Waterloo Park. From there we had the first glance at the building over the parks's Silver Lake. The building looks harmonized with the park's surroundings.

Marea Inaugurare a Institutului Perimeter.
[in Romanian]

Marea inaugurare, despre care am vorbit aici, a fost un mare success. Toata ziua oamenii asteptau la coada sa prinda ocazia sa faca turul cladirii sau sa obtina un bilet la prezentarile organizate. In continuare prezint prin poze impresiile mele.

Deoarece toata parcarea institutului era plina de corturi noi am parcat in parcul orasului Waterloo. De acolo am avut prima vedere a cladirii peste Lacul de Argint (Silver Lake) al parcului. Cladirea arata armonizata cu imprejurimile parcului.Posted by Hello


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