Gheorghe Curelet-Balan Blog

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Before Q2C's Big Bang!

These are the last moments of calm before the big Q2C ( ) storm that will make Waterloo and Canada (for the next 10 days) the center stage of ideas, debates and thought about the status and future of physics, science and humanity.

Besides the on site activities the festival will be featured online and on TV (

From the organizers presentation of the festival:
"The ‘Quantum to Cosmos: Ideas for the Future’ Festival marks the 10th Anniversary of Canada’s Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.   The innovative online activities, from October 15th to 25th, will take a global audience from the strange world of subatomic particles to the outer frontiers of the universe."

Physics today and for the last decades (while facing numerous puzzles) is looking for answers of a unique theory that can describe both the micro and macro cosmos. It will be interesting to learn first hand what is Physics current status and what are the possible predictions.

I'm proud and excited to be able to attend tomorrow the Q2C's opening event (
and other lectures and events that I was lucky to get tickets!

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