Gheorghe Curelet-Balan Blog

Sunday, April 27, 2008

People Care.

From Earth Day to Earth Hour. Earth Day yearly event (to raise awareness about the environment) is known for quite some time.

Down Under people decided last year to boost environment awareness with a tougher initiative of voluntary blackout during the Earth Hour so that we feel how precious every bit of energy is. And their idea spreaded around the world.

Below video is my testimony of the first Earth Hour event in Downtown Kitchener.

Since 1968 people are amazed by Earth's beauty seen from space. Lets hope that we act before the Earth becomes as in below image.

Earth Day links:
Earth Day Canada.
Kitchener Earth Day page
Earth Day daily tips
10 novel ways to go green for Earth Day

Earth Hour links:
Earth Hour should inspire water conversation.
Video of residents at the Beaver Creek Housing Co-op observe Earth Hour.
Most Canadians want more Earth Hours.
Search "Earth Hour" on
Search Earth Hour on The Record site.

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