Gheorghe Curelet-Balan Blog

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Geeks' imagination at work.

Speaking of geeks... If you want to know how the solar power is born and its challenges, GE patent pending ideas for a better tomorrow, and other imagination breakthrough technologies, click on this link.

With so many seeds of ideas cultivated, it is no wonder that growth can become a process [pdf].

Happy Birthday dear Tower.

Towers, the symbol of mankind achievements, are impressing and intimidating by their greatness and beauty. They could even have a touch of "je ne sais quoi".

Do you know though which is the tallest one? A recent event reminded me the answer to this question.

Toronto's CN Tower, the tallest free standing building in the world celebrated its 30th birthday 2 days ago.

Happy Birthday CN Tower.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

World Cup craze.

It is hard not to notice these days the World Cup mania. Few know though that two days ago another world soccer cup just ended. I'm talking about a geeks cup where the players are robots. If you want a live snapshot of 50 years of research in the Artificial Intelligence field visit this page (in German).

I'm just just wondering if the host country win in the robots cup tries to send a message on who will win the real world soccer cup.

It is intriguing to ask also who will win in few years when the winners of these two type of world soccer cups will face each other.

National Aboriginal Day.

Each year since 1996, Canada has been celebrating on June 21st the contributions to Canada of the Aboriginal people. Part of the Kitchener-Waterloo Tapestry Celebrations, an event was organized today in Victoria Park Kitchener, by the local aboriginal community. Stay tuned for more details and my visual experience during this event.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

If you wanna grow some flowers...

Ok, after planting a tree you may feel like growing some flowers. If that's the case then visit the page and experience the power of ideas, imagination and words that unleash the nature's potential, locked in a seed.

While talking with your flower you'll notice that besides good soil, water, sun and care, flowers need also nice words. It is a known fact that the flowers respond to the nature of their emotional environment. Consequently, the more nice words you use the nicer the flower.

One more proof that beauty brings beauty.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Picturing a healthy world.

I've invited you some time ago to meet me at the crossroads of the world, but I didn't show you how I picture a healthy world. Recently I figure out a way to share with you my pictures.

Here there are two of them:
- amazed and inspired by the strength of the early messengers of spring; the snowdrops in my frontyard.

- hiking two months ago in Waterloo's paradise. On this dry grass I had my first outdoor barefoot walk this year. You can see more pictures of health taken during that hike, here.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

One of Gioconda's secrets, revealed.

Only by looking at Mona Lisa, Dr. Matsumi Suzuki made her talk. Click on this link to hear her speaking and learn how the mystery of her voice was revealed.