1894, it is the first Monday of each September that brings the last long weekend of the summer in Canada and United States. Having initially a political significance, the Labor Day our days is usually just an excuse to enjoy another day off at the end of the summer and for the students it is the last long weekend before going back to school. In Waterloo though today was the first labor parade in over 25 years (as reported today on local TV,
Canadians could claim as being the originators of Labor Day movement since
it looks like they inspired Peter J. McGuire ("The Father of the Labor Day") to organize in 1882 the first US labor parade. Canadians started organizing their labor parades in 1872. Later on, in 1889 the rest of the world took the example of the North American labor movement and proclaimed May 1st as the International Labor Day.
It is ironic though that the official proclamation of Labor Day in Unites States originated from the social tensions caused by the failure of an
utopic workers community.
Due to globalization, the need for an agile global economy and changes in the nature of work, the labor movement power has decreased. These days only a small fraction of the North American working population is unionized. This doesn't mean that we should not
pay respect and appreciate the
past achievements of the labor movement to create a better society.
Check these out if you want to know more:
1. "
Labor Day," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2004 © 1997-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Google directory on Labor Day.
====== [in Romanian] ======
1894, este prima Luni a fiecarui Septembrie care aduce, in Canada si Statele Unite, ultimul weekend lung al verii. Avind initial o semnificatie politica, in zilele noastre Ziua Muncii este de obicei doar o scuza de a te bucura de o alta zi libera la sfirsit de vara iar pentru elevi si studenti este ultimul weekend lung inainte de inceperea scolii. In Waterloo totusi astazi a fost prima parada muncitoreasca in peste 25 de ani (dupa cum a fost anuntat la postul TV local,
Canadienii ar putea pretinde ca fiind initiatorii miscarii Zilei Muncii deoarece
s-ar parea ca ei l-au inspirat pe Peter J. McGuire ("Parintele Zilei Muncii") sa organizeze in 1882 prima parada din Statele Unite. Canadienii au inceput sa organizeze paradele lor in 1872. Mai tirziu, in 1889 restul lumii a luat exemplul miscarilor sindicale din America de Nord si a proclamat 1 Mai ca Ziua Internationala a Muncii.
Este ironic totusi ca proclamarea oficiala a Zilei Muncii in Statele Unite a pornit de la tensiunile sociale cauzate de esecul unei communitati mucitoresti
Datorita globalizarii, a necesitatii unei economii globale agile si a schimbarilor in natura muncii, puterea miscarii sindicale a scazut. Zilele astea numai o mica fractiune din populatia muncitoare Nord Americana este sindicalizata. Asta nu inseamna ca nu trebuie sa
respectam si sa appreciem
realizarile precedente ale miscarii sindicale in a crea o societate mai buna.
Daca vreti sa stiti mai multe, verificati legaturile de mai jos:
1. "
Labor Day," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2004 © 1997-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Google directory despre "Labor Day".