Gheorghe Curelet-Balan Blog

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Uplifting jazz @PI

What : Black Hole Bistro Jazz event

Who : Nancy Walker Trio

When : Last Friday

Where: Perimeter Institute (PI) Black Hole Bistro

Why : "Life without music is a mistake" (don't remember who said this)

How : let my video montage of images and music tell the story.

Many thanks to Nancy Walker Trio and the event organizers for their permission to use the images and sound in my montage.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Lets grow some turbine blades.

Speaking of pearls and seashells...

Just learned recently that by using nanotechnology, turbine blades could be grown in a similar way seashells grow. This will make blades having the same strength as seashells and the turbine more efficient.

Click on Innovation on this link and explore the arrows to learn more about breakthrough GE turbine technologies.

Explore also this page for other applications inspired from the nature wonders at nano dimensions.

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The Roundabouts Region.

Just noticed that in the last year or so, roundabouts started to pop up at different intersections in the Waterloo Region. UW Research and Tech Park has two of them!

Besides being fun to drive through it the European inspired traffic fashion is environmentally friendly and easy on cars since it eliminates the bad stop and go polluting habit.

Monday, September 17, 2007

From local to international.

The Region of Waterloo increases its connections to the world not only wirelessly (through its Pearl producer) but also through the growing number of airways it opens.

From a small airport few years ago the Region of Waterloo International Airport became international with regular flights to US, vacation destinations and big Canadian cities.

Click below to see my clip of Grand River, Cambridge and Highway 401 taken on my way to Detroit from Waterloo airport.