Gheorghe Curelet-Balan Blog

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Centennial Canadian Aerospace Anniversary.

It was a week ago, on February 23rd, when Canada celebrated 100 years of aerospace history. It all started with the historic flight of Silver Dart, the first controlled powered flight in Canada.

Canadian aerospace history is quite fascinating, starting from the telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell involvement in the Silver Dart flight, to the stellar design of the supersonic interceptor Avro Arrow or Beaver plane, up to Canada's involvement in international space programs with Canadarm.

There are a lot of aerospace achievements that every Canadian should be proud of.

The dedicated enthusiastic volunteers (some of which are shown in this picture) that try to preserve a glorious past are among the first of them.

Happy Canadian Aerospace Day!

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lovely loving Oscars.

This year's Oscars were different. From the secrecy of who'll be hosting the show (and the curiosity it created) to the new lovely formula of nominees presentation.

Some people didn't like the lovely formula where different celebrities were presenting the nominees achievements. What's wrong people with being positive especially during these dooming times and after such a nice Red Carpet display of gorgeous gowns?

Speaking of secrecy... Hollywood revealed also us some of its secrets in movie making. I liked the part where parts of screenplays were matched with the movie scenes described by them. I hope to learn more of these secrets during the next PI lecture Behind the Scenes at Pixar presented by Rob Cook from Pixar Animation Studios.

If I have to label the OSCARS of this year I would say that Hollywood proved that it dares and can think different during different times.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009


[Post inspired by the University of Waterloo's 2009 Loving to Learn Day contest]

OK, love might be a chemical reaction to scientists but their conclusion is based on two things among other many-splendored things that love is.

Learning and Curiosity.

Loving to learn drives the human spirit. How else could we explain all of the mankind achievements? This reminds me of the wonderful things I've learned during Perimeter Institute's Einsteinfest events. Curiosity was one of Einstein's strongest character trait.

Loving to learn reminds me also of the daughter Francie visit to the library scene in the wonderful movie "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" shown recently by the TCM network in its 31 Days of Oscar series.

Love and Peace,

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Since only one year separates us from the beginning of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games I found worthy to mark this moment in time.

I found also that Canadian winter olympics credo BELIEVE contains inspiring life lessons that Olympic games give us.
