Gheorghe Curelet-Balan Blog

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Fall...the queen season of colors.

What is it about this season that gives it something magic? Maybe it goes back in time with the feeling of fulfillment inspired by the reward that nature gave people after a year of hard land work. And the fall colors accentuate this feeling, with joy.

I don't know if there is another country that reveals better the fascination and beauty of fall colors, than Canada. That's why, maybe, the Canadian flag has on it the red maple tree leaf. This is the best time when you can enjoy the beauty of the maple tree and the entire fall foliage.

Taking advantage of the last weekend's wonderful weather we headed on a beautiful trail that is at the edge of Waterloo city. If you are living in Kitchener-Waterloo (KW) area I leave it to you to discover this nature heaven...the fall foliage just started :) These leaves belong to the below mapple tree.

Toamna... anotimpul regina al culorilor. [in Romanian]

Ce-i cu acest anotimp care-i da ceva magic? Poate ca-i sentimentul de implinire al vremurilor de inceput inspirat de recompensa pe care natura a dat-o oamenilor dupa un an de munca grea a pamintului. Iar culorile toamnei accentueaza aceasta traire, cu bucurie.

Nu stiu daca exista o alta tara care dezvaluie mai bine fascinatia si frumusetea culorilor de toamna, decit Canada. De aceea, poate, steagul Canadian are pe el frunza rosie de artar. Acesta este cel mai bun timp cind poti sa te bucuri de frumusetea artarului si a intregului frunzis al toamnei.

Profitind de vremea frumoasa ne-am indreptat la sfirsitul trecutei saptamini spre o poteca frumoasa care este la marginea orasului Waterloo. Daca locuiti in Kitchener-Waterloo (KW), va las dvs. sa descoperiti acest paradis al naturii...frunzisul toamnei de-abia a inceput ;) Aceste frunze sint ale artarului de mai jos. Posted by Hello

Our new hiking partner, Jenny, is so happy that she is capable of holding on her back the whole mapple tree :)

Noul nostru partener de drumetie. Jenny. este atit de fericita incit este capabila sa tina pe spatele ei intregul artar :) Posted by Hello

I'm giving you some clues to find the trail. First, the tree is just near by the trail's entry. The below sign is at the entry but it is hardly visible from the road. I hope you guessed from the sign that the trail is on private land, but these are not all the warning signs at the entry...the camera just couldn't catch them all in one shot :) If you find the trail, obey the warning signs and stay only on it.

[in Romanian] Va dau citeva sugestii sa gasiti poteca. In primul rind, copacul este chiar in apropierea intrarii potecii. Semnul de mai jos este la intrare dar este de-abia vizibil din sosea. Cred ca ati ghicit dupa semn ca poteca este pe pamint privat, iar acestea nu sint toate semnele de avertizare de la foto doar nu a putut sa le cuprinda pe toate in intregime. Daca gasiti poteca, respectati semnele de avertizare si stati numai pe ea. Posted by Hello

If you think that once on the trail you'll get the greatest view, think again. You have to work a little till you reach the light of the "paradise" at the end of this uphill green "tunnel". I little warm-up is not bad after all, on the contrary :)

Daca credeti ca odata pe carare o sa dati de cea mai frumoasa priveliste atunci ginditi-va inca o data. Trebuie sa munciti putin pina sa ajungeti la lumina "paradisului" care-i la sfirsitul acestui "tunel" verde in panta. Putina incalzire nu e rea la urma urmei, ba din contra :)
Posted by Hello

Now we have to pass the gates and the password is..."the paradise's fitness heart rate". You better check it out :)

Acum trebuie sa trecem de porti iar parola este..."pulsul de sanatate al paradisului". Poate ar trebui sa-l verificati :)Posted by Hello

And now, the rewards...

Si acum, recompensele... Posted by Hello

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Thursday, September 23, 2004

10, 9, 8, 7,... The Perimeter Countdown!

Next week the Uptown Waterloo will embrace the new landmark building of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

The Perimeter Institute was born on October 23, 2000 from the visionary initiative of Research In Motion, RIM's founder and Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis, to generously donate $100 million.

Besides the cutting edge research in theoretical physics, the Perimeter Institute is involved in the cultural/educational life of the local and global community. The public informal sessions about the universe mysteries, quantum theory, time, etc. (when the researchers descend from their tower to illuminate us on their passion to fundamental physics research) are a real delight.

Only from the descriptions, pictures and sketches every office worker will envy the lucky residents of this building. My feeling is that the new building architecture only by itself will attract more and more people to participate in the cultural life of the Uptown Waterloo.

So...if you can, don't miss the countdown and come on to Uptown Waterloo to see the RIM's gift to our community. Take a look at the scheduled activities for the Open House day of Saturday, October 2nd and don't forget to reserve the tickets as advised at the bottom of the schedule page.

10, 9, 8, 7,... Numaratoarea inversa a "Perimeter"-ului!
[in Romanian]:

Saptamina viitoare "Uptown Waterloo" (centrul orasului Waterloo) va imbratisa noua cladire de referinta a Institutului de Fizica Teoretica, Perimeter.

Institutul Perimeter s-a nascut pe 23 Octombrie, 2000 din initiativa vizionara a lui Mike Lazaridis (fondatorul si Co-Directorul Executiv Sef al firmei Research In Motion (RIM)) de a dona generos 100 milioane dolari.

In afara de cercetarile de virf in fizica teoretica, Institutul Perimeter este implicat in viata culturala/educationala a comunitatii locale si globale. Sesiunile informale publice despre misterele universului, teoria cuantica, timp, etc. (cind cercetatorii coboara din turnul lor sa ne lumineze asupra pasiunii lor in cercetarea fizicii teoretice) sint o incintare reala.

Numai din descrieri, poze si schite orice lucrator de birou va invidia ocupantii norocosi ai acestei cladiri. Parearea mea este ca arhitectura noii cladiri numai prin ea insasi va atrage din ce in ce mai multi oameni sa participe la viata culturala a "Uptown Waterloo".

Deci...daca puteti, nu scapati numaratoarea inversa si veniti in Uptown Waterloo sa vedeti darul firmei RIM facut comunitatii noastre. Vezi activitatile planificate pentru ziua "Open House" de Simbata, 2 Octombrie si nu uitati sa rezervati bilete.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

RIM did it again!

Research In Motion (RIM) the biggest public traded company in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, has just announced the new revolutionary product, Blackberry 7100t. My feeling is that with this new device, RIM went the extra mile to reach an entire new market. From a leadership position in the enterprise wireless market RIM is reaching the mass consumer market for the first time with a phone form factor of its Blackberry platform. It's not a phone and it's not a PDA. So, what is it? Well it's a BLACKBERRY! RIM's SureType technology (that creatively combines the phone keypad with the PC's QWERTY keyboard) makes the new Blackberry, unique. I feel that Blackberry 7100t will be consumed like the fresh baked bread; it will not have time to cool down and people will cry to get one. RIM has foreseen that, I guess; that's why probably the new Blackberry 7100t is available for now only in US :)

Research In Motion (RIM) cea mai mare companie publica in regiunea Kitchener-Waterloo tocmai a anuntat noul produs revolutionar, Blackberry 7100t. Parerea mea este ca cu acest now produs, RIM a facut efortul extraordinar sa vizeze o intreaga noua piata. Dintr-o pozitie de frunte in piata "enterprise wireless" RIM vizeaza pentru prima data piata consumatorului de masa cu o forma celular a platformei Blackberry. Nu e celular si nu e PDA. Atunci, ce e? Ei, este un BLACKBERRY! Technologia SureType (care combina creativ tastele celularului cu tastatura QWERTY a PC-ului) face noul Blackberry, unic. Eu cred ca Blackberry 7100t va fi consumat ca piinea calda; nu va avea timp sa se raceasca iar oamenii vor plinge sa obtina unul. RIM a prevazut asta, banuiesc; de aceea probabil noul Blackberry 7100t este disponibil deocamdata doar in Statele Unite :)

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The twilight tranquility.

It was delightful watching yesterday's twilight show. These are not Huricane Frances clouds that we are expecting to come.

A fost o incintare sa privesc spectacolul amurgului de ieri. Acestia nu sint norii Uraganului Frances pe care ii asteptam sa vina.Posted by Hello

Fascinating! Posted by Hello

It starts to get dark. Posted by Hello

Zoomed. Posted by Hello

Mesmerizing! Posted by Hello

I wish it doesn't stop. Posted by Hello

Almost dark. Posted by Hello

Peaches and Potassium

Since we still are in the peaches season I just remembered a story on the subject aired last year on TV that I think is worth sharing. Please read the below disclaimer and consult professionals before taking any action inspired by this post.

Did you know that potassium is essential in muscles activity and other bodily functions and that peaches are a great natural source of it? Well, after I found out, I started to enjoy more peaches in my diet during their season, like 2 every 2 hours (during the day, of course:) and Ontario peaches growers do their best to take care of our potassium level :)

Here are some other links of interest on the subject:
1. Nutrient analysis of peaches.
2. “out of the basket” peaches tips.
3. Potassium content of other foods.
4. Weight loss and peaches.
5. Califormia Cling Peach page.
6. Some references on peaches.
7. The benefits of other fruits.

And if you want to grow your own peaches... check this out.

Piersici si Potasiu (in Romanian)

Deoarece sintem inca in sezonul piersicilor, tocmai mi-am adus aminte de o emisiune TV pe subiect, data anul trecut, care cred ca merita impartasita. Va rog sa cititi disculparea de mai jos si sa consultati personalul calificat inainte de a intreprinde orice actiune care e inspirata de aceste informatii.

Stiati ca potasiul este esential in activitatea muschilor si in alte functii corporale si ca piersicile sint o mare sursa naturala a lui? Ei, dupa ce eu am aflat, am inceput sa ma bucur de mai multe piersici in dieta mea, cam 2 la 2 ore (in timpul zilei, desigur:) iar cultivatorii de piersici din Ontario fac tot ce pot sa aiba grija de nivelul nostru de potasiu.

Iata citeva alte legaturi de interes pe subject:
1. Analiza nutrientilor piersicilor.
2. Sugestii “din cos” despre piersici.
3. Continutul de potasiu al altor produse alimentare.
4. Slabire si piersici.
5. Pagina Califormia Cling Peach.
6. Citeva referinte despre piersici.
7. Beneficiile altor fructe.

Iar daca vreti sa cultivati propriile piersici...vedeti pagina asta.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Canadian contribution to the nanotechnology applied research.

A research at the University of Toronto could solve the bottleneck problems of the Internet.

Contributie Canadiana la cercetarea aplicata in nanotechnologie.
O cercetare la Universitatea Toronto ar putea rezolva problemele de congestie ale Internet-ului.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor Day (Ziua Muncii)

Since 1894, it is the first Monday of each September that brings the last long weekend of the summer in Canada and United States. Having initially a political significance, the Labor Day our days is usually just an excuse to enjoy another day off at the end of the summer and for the students it is the last long weekend before going back to school. In Waterloo though today was the first labor parade in over 25 years (as reported today on local TV, CKCO).

Canadians could claim as being the originators of Labor Day movement since it looks like they inspired Peter J. McGuire ("The Father of the Labor Day") to organize in 1882 the first US labor parade. Canadians started organizing their labor parades in 1872. Later on, in 1889 the rest of the world took the example of the North American labor movement and proclaimed May 1st as the International Labor Day.

It is ironic though that the official proclamation of Labor Day in Unites States originated from the social tensions caused by the failure of an utopic workers community.

Due to globalization, the need for an agile global economy and changes in the nature of work, the labor movement power has decreased. These days only a small fraction of the North American working population is unionized. This doesn't mean that we should not pay respect and appreciate the past achievements of the labor movement to create a better society.

Check these out if you want to know more:
1. "Labor Day," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2004 © 1997-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
2. Google directory on Labor Day.

====== [in Romanian] ======
Din 1894, este prima Luni a fiecarui Septembrie care aduce, in Canada si Statele Unite, ultimul weekend lung al verii. Avind initial o semnificatie politica, in zilele noastre Ziua Muncii este de obicei doar o scuza de a te bucura de o alta zi libera la sfirsit de vara iar pentru elevi si studenti este ultimul weekend lung inainte de inceperea scolii. In Waterloo totusi astazi a fost prima parada muncitoreasca in peste 25 de ani (dupa cum a fost anuntat la postul TV local, CKCO).

Canadienii ar putea pretinde ca fiind initiatorii miscarii Zilei Muncii deoarece s-ar parea ca ei l-au inspirat pe Peter J. McGuire ("Parintele Zilei Muncii") sa organizeze in 1882 prima parada din Statele Unite. Canadienii au inceput sa organizeze paradele lor in 1872. Mai tirziu, in 1889 restul lumii a luat exemplul miscarilor sindicale din America de Nord si a proclamat 1 Mai ca Ziua Internationala a Muncii.

Este ironic totusi ca proclamarea oficiala a Zilei Muncii in Statele Unite a pornit de la tensiunile sociale cauzate de esecul unei communitati mucitoresti utopice.

Datorita globalizarii, a necesitatii unei economii globale agile si a schimbarilor in natura muncii, puterea miscarii sindicale a scazut. Zilele astea numai o mica fractiune din populatia muncitoare Nord Americana este sindicalizata. Asta nu inseamna ca nu trebuie sa respectam si sa appreciem realizarile precedente ale miscarii sindicale in a crea o societate mai buna.

Daca vreti sa stiti mai multe, verificati legaturile de mai jos:
1. "Labor Day," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2004 © 1997-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
2. Google directory despre "Labor Day".

Disclaimer (Disculpare)

The information in this blog is provided “as is” and with no warranties. Although I’m doing my best to provide accurate information (sometime inspired from my personal experience) it is possible that some of it is not applicable to you, or the information from the source I’m using could not be accurate, or I could be wrong in my opinions, since I’m a human after all :) Use your best judgment and do your own research before relying on any advice, recommendation or information I’m posting on this web site.

[in Romanian] Informatiile in acest “blog” sint oferire “asa cum sint” si cu nici o garantie. Desi imi dau silinta sa ofer informatii corecte (uneori inspirate din experienta personala) este posibil ca unele din ele sa nu fie potrivite dumneavoastra, sau informatiile de la sursele pe care le folosesc pot sa nu fie corecte, sau opiniile mele pot fi gresite, fiindca sint si eu un om la urma urmei :) Folositi bunul simt si cercetati singuri inainte de a va baza pe orice sfat, recomandare sau informatie pe care o public in acest “web site”.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Birds (Pasari)

Lets hope that these are not Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds :)

[In Romanian]: Sa speram ca astea nu sint Pasarile lui Alfred Hitchcock :) Pentru cei ce nu stapinesc limba engleza... ideea comentariului facut in link-ul precedent este ca desi filmul "Pasarile" pare un film de groaza, de fapt este o capodopera de analiza psihologica. Posted by Hello

Photos taken 4 hours ago near a parking lot in Waterloo.

[In Romanian]: Poze facute acum 4 ore in apropierea unei parcari in Waterloo. Posted by Hello